
Thursday, February 20, 2014

beautiful north carolina and beautiful friends

alright! i recently got back from visiting my best friend in north carolina. she had a little baby so, of course, i had to go meet her! plus, lily wanted to go play with brooke (her older daughter). it’s sort of perfect. brook is 10 months older than lily. and penny is 6 months older than baby fiona. she is the one that i referenced in my breastfeeding post and i’m happy to say, nursing is going well this time around. the trip was wonderful. it was so nice to see my dear friend and her little family. it had been quite a while since we had seen one another. we talk almost everyday and have “coffee” with one another over the phone but having coffee in real life was one of my favorite parts.

we didn’t do much while we were there which was just fine with me. brooke and lily played and lily got to do a few things she had never done before. she jumped all by herself on a little trampoline. she tried gelato (which was a big hit). she even learned to drive! she was such a champ and tried so many new foods like avacado-chick pea and red onion sandwiches! she also got to watch her first movie in the theatre. we went and saw frozen and it was wonderful! lily loved it so much, we now have the soundtrack and she sings all the songs (which started with brooke, in the car. those girls really are too cute!) she really loved playing with her friend.

penny did a few new things as well! she started crawling on our trip and sitting up all by herself! she also tried lots of new foods. and her and baby fi would just smile at one another. she really wanted to play with the baby, but of course, fi just isn’t ready for that quite yet. but the smiles she would give penny were simply precious!

while i was there, it snowed. in north carolina! it was crazy! i must have brought the weather with me! but there were a few nice days where the girls got to play outside. i flew with both girls which was a first for me. thank God for my double stroller. it was a life saver in the airport. and my dear penny cried for much of both flights (those poor people trapped in the plane with us). actually, there was a guy on the flight out that commented before all the crying started. i was talking with the sweet woman we were sitting by and he asked me to quiet down because our voices were carrying over to him. i had to giggle at that. in my mind i was thinking: just wait, sir. i knew penny wouldn’t do well. it was a 3.5 hour flight and penny only likes to nap in a bed or wrapped up on my back. 

we also attended church with shalane and david. manna church in fayettville is quite large but josh and i have been watching their “to love life, and see good days” series on blessing and curses and we have really enjoyed it. their church has special parking for new guests and a “welcome” packet that includes a free item from their coffee shop. i thought that was a nice way to welcome new people to their church. they also have a nursing mothers’ room with rocking chairs and changing pads where mothers can nurse their babies and watch the service on televisions. it thought that was nice too. i have no problem nursing penny in public, but she is at that age where  she gets super screechy when my milk doesn’t let down quick enough. it was nice to take her little distractible self somewhere to nurse where her little voice wouldn’t distract those around us. 

anyway, for my first trip alone with the girls, i would say it was a success. and as soon as i left for the airport, i was already missing my dear, sweet friend. i hope we don’t have to wait as long to see one another again.

(and ftr, once i have better internet, i will include some links to the sermon series and whatnot)

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